Vision, Mission and Goals

* Vision

Distinctive, high-quality education with qualified educational staff to train graduates to lead the business sector and be proud of their national value regionally and globally.


The Vice-Dean's Office at College of Business Administration, female campus, seeks to provide a conducive environment for teaching, learning and scientific research as well as caring about community issues and problems.


1- Develop student’s personality and improve her skills in line with the requirements of the labor market.

2- Qualify students scientifically and professionally to meet the needs of the labor market.

3- Develop scientific research and encourage students to write research that serves the surrounding environment and the economy.

4- Improve the college’s administrative staff.

5- Participate in curricular and extracurricular activities in various fields inside and outside the university.

6- Enhance community services by boosting the college’s capabilities to solve community problems.

7- Supervise talented and creative students and creating a conducive environment that allow them to develop their abilities and talents to become effective leaders in society.

8- Play a mediator role between employers and graduates.