Vision, Mission and Goals


Improve the system of education and learning of academic programs in the College of Education to build a knowledge-based society in accordance with the best local and international standards.


Create an effective academic environment that allow students to meet the demand of the labor market, through improving the outcomes of academic programs in accordance with the academic accreditation standards and requirements of the sustainable community development plans.


Objectives :

1 - Evaluate and improve programs and study plans in academic departments in accordance with the mission and objectives of the college and the university in cooperation with the quality unit. 

2 - Introduce new programs that are compatible with both the needs of the labor market and development plans as well as form community partnership with public and private sector to improve the quality of study plans and programs. 

3 - Expand quantitatively and qualitatively in education programs and postgraduate studies and diplomas.

4 - Improve the skills of faculty members in teaching and learning through creating academic environment that is stimulating for creativity in learning and teaching.

5 - Develop, manage and evaluate educational technologies at all theoretical and practical levels as well as participate in research activities and community service. 

6 - Set visions, plans, policies and objectives of measurement and evaluation at the college level and promoting the culture of measurement and evaluation through training, workshops, lectures and seminars.

7 - Improve the quality of student services, admission and registration policies and manage study timetables and exams.

8 - Cooperate with counterpart vice-dean's offices in universities and scientific institutions locally, regionally and internationally to improve the quality of educational outcomes.

9 - Set academic structures and units to serve departments and major programs in achieving their goals.