News Archive

(أكتشفي قدراتك وإبدئي حياتك)

The College of Education, represented by Council and Academic Advising, is inviting you to a course entitled "Discover your talent and start a new life"

Presenter: Ms. Dr. Maha Abdelhaleem

Day and Time: Sunday, 1443/7/5, 9-11 am


معايير اختبار الرخصة لشاغلي الوظائف التعليمية تخصص رياضيات

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, is inviting you to a course entitled "Standards for licensing test for holders of teaching positions, majoring in mathematics

Presenter: Ms. Dr. Jawaher Al-Zahrani

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان: (التحضير لإختبار الآيلتس)

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you to a workshop entitled "How to prepare for ILETS exam" 

Presenter: Ms. Nora Al-Fayez

Day and Time: Monday, 1443/6/28, 4-6 pm

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (أهمية الدراسة الإسلامية في سوق العمل)

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you a workshop entitled "Importance of Islamic studies for market".

Presenter: Dr. Bushra Al-Anizi

Day and Time: Sunday, 1443/6/27,7-9 pm

اليوم العالمي للتعليم

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you to an activity entitled "World Education Day".

Day and Time: Monday, 1443/6/28, 9-11 am

أساسيات البحث العلمي

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, is inviting you to a workshop entitled "Basics of Scientific Research". 

Presenter: Dr. Tamader Al-Khansa

Day and Time: Thursday, 24/ 6/ 1443, 9-11 am


دعوة لحضور دورة تدريبة بعنوان (أهمية الدراسات الإسلامية في سوق العمل)

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you a workshop entitled "Importance of Islamic studies for market".

Presenter: Dr. Bushra Al-Anizi

Day and Time: Sunday, 1443/6/23,9-11 am


لقاء تعريفي للطالبات المستجدات بجامعة المجمعة

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs, is inviting you a orientation meeting for freshmen. 

Presenter: Dr. Bushra Al-Anizi - Dr. Jawaher Al-Zahrani - Ms. Hanan Khalid - Ms. Munira Al-Mousa

Day and Time: Sunday, 1443/6/20, 8 pm

 LaTex Tutorial using (Overleaf)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs invites you to a course entitled: LaTex Tutorial using (Overleaf),

Presenter: Prof. Basmah Al-Mutairi, (Mathematics Department)

Day and time: Wednesday, 06/16/1443 AH, 7 to 8 pm

بناء وتصميم الاستبانة الإلكترونية

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Deans's Office for Quality, is pleased to invite you to a workshop entitled " Designing e-surveys".

Presenter: Dr. Hanan Ismael

Target group: faculty members 

Day and time: Wednesday, 16/6/1443

حساب نسب مخرجات التعلم

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Deans's Office for Quality, is pleased to invite you to a workshop entitled "Calculating learning outcomes ratios".

Presenter: Dr. Hanan Ismael

Target group: faculty members 

Day and time: Tuesday, 15/6/1443

دعوة لحضور سمنار بعنوان (طرق رياضية لإيجاد خطوط وأنابيب ليوتكس الأساسية بغرض تحديد هياكل الدوامات)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (the Graduate Studies Unit), invites you to a seminar entitled: (Mathematical Methods for Finding Basic Lyotex Lines and Tubes for Determining the Structures of Vortex)

دعوة لحضور ندوة بعنوان :( اللغة العربية والتواصل الحضاري)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Community Service Unit), in cooperation with the Department of Arabic Language, are inviting you to a seminar entitled "Arabic Language and Cultural Communication".

(التدخل المبكر وعلاقته بالحد من حالة التوحد لدى الأطفال)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Community Service Unit) in cooperation with the Department of Special Education are inviting you to a program entitled "Early intervention and its relationship to reducing auti

دعوه لحضور ندوة بعنوان: (اللغة العربية والتواصل الحضاري)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Community Service Unit) in cooperation with the Department of Arabic language are inviting you to a seminar entitled "Arabic Language and Civilizational Communication"

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (وسائل التفوق الاجتماعي)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs (Student Support Unit), is inviting you to a workshop entitled "social media superiority"

Presenter: Shahad AlJaber, Atheer Al-Barghash, students from Department of Special Education

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (وسائل التفوق الاجتماعي)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs (Student Support Unit), is inviting you to a workshop entitled "social media superiority"

Presenter: Shahad AlJaber, Atheer Al-Barghash, students from Department of Special Education

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (مهارات تطوير الذات)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Community Service Unit), is inviting you to a workshop entitled "Self-Development Skills"

Presenter: Dr. Asma Al-Qutaim

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (إدارة الذات واستراتيجيات النجاح)

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs (Alumni Unit), is inviting you to a workshop entitled "Self-management and strategic of success" 

Presenter: Ms. Seham Al-Mutairi, Department of Mathematics

فعالية اليوم الدولي  للقضاء على العنف ضد المرأة

The College of Education, represented by Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Community Service Unit), in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics, presented a video on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.