Strategies of Developing and Measuring Soft Skills

Within the framework of the soft skills project carried out by the College of Science and Humanities in Remah, backed by the Dean Dr. Bandar Al-Yahya, a series of seminars and debates were held by students from the Department of Business Administration under the supervision the Head of Quality Assurance Unit, Dr. Atef Mabruk.
The aim of these activities are to help students to gain some skills in interpersonal communication, leadership and persuasion.
A committee, comprising Dr. Olayan Al-Harbi, Vice-Dean for Development and Quality and Dr. Mushref Al-Mushref, Head of Department of Business Administration, evaluated students for succeeding in these skills using rubrics.
Summary of the program :
1. A group of students were selected to form working groups for seminars
2. The lecturer briefed students about the project and the timeline of procedures
3. Each working group chose a topic for presentation focusing on youth and community segments and highlighted its significance, benefits and problems.
4. All the other groups provided feedback on the presented topic (agree OR disagree OR vague and inquiries raised). The presenters were then to defend their views
5. The committee provided their feedback on the obstacles encountered and suggestions for improvement.
6. All presentations were evaluated by the committee based on particular criteria followed by students’ voting of the performance.

Last modified
Sunday, 07/July/2019