Challenges and Solutions

Challenges and Solutions can be classified  into two types:


  • I: Internal Challenges which are challenges issued by the Rectorship and which affect the execution of its functions and responsibilities.
  • II: External Challenges namely those challenges resulting from the nature of the Rectorship's work and the issues and topics covered. The most important internal and external challenges faced by the Rectorship is stated below with the proposed solutionsto overcome them.

I- Internal challenges

  • The limited administrative staff in the Rectorship: Despite the work complexity at the Rectorship, it suffers from the lack of proper human resources, due to the interception of the Rectorship's work over the past years, and the transfer of most of its employees to other parts of the university .. Therefore it aims to recruite the best and increase the number of specialized administrative staff through professional contests or recruiting qualified employees from or outside the university.
  • Lateness in activating some departments and units of the Rectorship: Due to the lack of competent leadership to lead some departments and units in the Rectorship, such as Social Responsibility and Local Development Management, Electronic Transactions Management and the organization and evaluation Management , it resulted in the delay of activating these important managements .. So, the Rectorship seeks to recruit qualified professionals from academics or professional employees of the university to take over the leadership in these departments, with the compensation in the current time through the work of the permanent specialized committees in university.
  • Inadequate and inappropriate administrative headquarters departments agencyfor the Rectorship and the future expansion: Due to incompleteness of the constructive structure of University buildings and the focus on the academic side and create the appropriate academic environment there is still a lack of administrative buildings for the University Rectorship and its units and departments and future expansion .. and is currently truing to find additional headquarters suitable to its needs  through coordination with the facilities management at the university.
  • Task multiplicity assigned to the Rectorship and the diversity of its terms of reference: in a quick read for the jurisdiction and functions of the Rectorship an indication of the work size and its diversity and complexity of tasks appears, which may lead to low performance level .. So, currently the Rectorship  seeks highly to recruit employees qualified academically and technically to support the Rectorship's work, and to create the postision of the Vice-Rector's Office supervisor , in order to take over the management and follow-up important business, and represent the Vice-Rector in following-up of some of the special tasks  of the with the relevant and liaison authorities of the Rectorship.

II- External challenges


  • The difficulty of recruiting qualifications: one of the Rectorship jurisdictions is providing the university needs, the most important of which is human needs. The Rectorship suffers from the lack of recruiting technical, administrative employees who achieve standards that the university look forward in light of the qualification competition.. Therefore, the Rectorship benefits from the committee of staff promotion and administrative and recruitment and professional contests to improve terms of recruitment and provide the most appropriate offers.
  • Excellence and quality in community service programs: The Rectorship of the university is committed to achieving the third function of the University which is community service, the Rectorship incounters  a major challenge which is the pursuit of quality in these programs and the poor academic staff at the university and its spread on a large geographical area .. The Rectorship puts a plan for quality control in the programs offered by the university for the community in cooperation with the Deanship of quality and its supervision taking into account  taking advantage of the appropriate academic staff.
  • The shift to the knowledge society: Since the strength of any educational institution and its progress is measured by owning and employing  knowledge, and for the Rectorship responsibility at the university level for the technological dimension and infrastructure as one-dimension to achieve a knowledgeable society; there lays a great burden for the Rectorship to achieve that dimension , especially in light of the recent establishment of the university  and its distribution on a large geographical area .. So, the Rectorship prepared for the delivery of electronic services to all points of the university and the university speed up shifting to E-transactions and take advantage of educational e-services and e-learning systems.