Message from the Dean

The College of Sharia and Law seeks a cornerstone of Majmaah University in its pursuit to develop student’s competency and enrich their knowledge in Sharia and Law majors. The college strives to achieve the highest standards of educational quality and develop its performance.
One of the college’s top goal is to improve the educational services provided to its students to promise them career opportunities in line with the goals of the Kingdom’s vision. With that in mind, the college works to implement its strategic plan which aligns with the university’s plan of improving the level of academic performance. This could be achieved by the collective efforts of the vice-dean’s offices, departments, units, and employees.
Finally, I’d like to express appreciation to the rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mezal who supports colleges to excel in scientific research path and community service.
Dr. Omar Al-Omar
The Dean of the College of Sharia and Law
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2- Investing in specialized Sharia and law research and studies locally and internationally to keep pace with current changes and developments.
3- Consolidating the approach of moderation, spreading awareness among members of society, and protecting them from intellectual deviations.
4- Increase the college’s participation in community and environmental events.