
In recognition of its participation security arrangements for MU Tournament for Futsal, the General Administration for Security received a plaque of appreciation from the dean of Deanship of Student Affairs, Dr. Khalid Al-Ofaisan. 


In recognition of its participation in regulating traffic on the national day celebration 91, the General Administration of Security received a letter of thanks from the director of Public Relations and Media. 

اليوم الوطني

The General Administration of Services with all its branches at female campus is celebrating the national day 91 with many programs and activities that show the joy of celebrating the national day.

اليوم الوطني

The General Administration of Security participated in the celebration of national day 91 which was held in the administrations, deanships and colleges of the university. 

الإجراءات عودة الطلاب

As the new academic year kicks off, the General Administration of Security began implementing the precautionary measures of entering the university buildings and facilities in Majmaah, Zulfi, Ghat, Hawtat Sudair and Remah.


The General Administration of Security took part in regulating traffic during the Japan Ambassador’s visit to Majmaah University on Thursday 4/1/1443.

The General Administration for Security announced that gate (5) at the main campus in Majmaah will be opened starting from Monday June 14, 2021. The gate is located northeast of main campus and will serve those who approach the university from King Khalid Street.


The General Administration of Security has issued statistics of 4-week works undertaken during final exams of second semester-1442.

The General Administration of Security has issued statistics of final exams for the first semester 1442. The statistics highlight the work achieved by the Administration during the 4 weeks of final exams.

In recognition of its efforts in organizing face-to-face final exams for the first semester for the year 1442, the General Administration of Security received a letter of appreciation from multiple sectors at the university.

Within the precautionary measures implemented to fight Covid-19, the General Administration of Security, in coordination with concerned sectors, conducted optical screening for students before entering the exam rooms.


The General Administration for Security, represented by the Department of Security in Zulfi, was commended by the dean of College of Education in Zulfi, Dr.

As part of its efforts to fight corona virus in cooperation with other departments, and on the occasion of the return of faculty members and staff to work, the General Administration for Security (GAS) conducted optical screening at 9 buildings and facilities.

As part of the precautionary measures stipulated by the Ministry of Health and implemented by Majmaah University, the General Administration of Security has participated in implementing social distance instructions announced by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs during Friday prayer at the universit

In recognition of its efforts during the second quarter of the year 1441 AH, the General Administration of Security received a letter of appreciation from MU Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqren.

In recognition of his diligent performance to serve staff, the General Administration of Security farewell the janitor Mr. Shanter, wishing him the best in his upcoming endeavors.

In recognition of the outstanding services provided, the General Administration of Security, represented by Security Department, received a letter of appreciation from the Dean of the College of Science and Humanities in Remah, Dr. Bander Al-Yahya.

In light of the efforts exerted by the university to improve its world rankings in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, the Directorate of University Security has won the second place at the university level in terms of the Deanship of Quality and Skills Development indicators related to the numb

In recognition of their outstanding efforts in maintaining safety and security of the university’s buildings, the Directorate of University Security honored some its Staff as a form of encouragement for them.