The General Administration of Internal Audit hosted a group of graduates from the Department of Accounting at the College of Business Administration, accompanied by several faculty members.During the visit, the delegation attended a meeting where they were introduced to the roles and…

At the request of the rector to enhance communication with professional forums and participate in them, MU participated in the 10th Conference on Internal Auditing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which was organized by the Saudi Association of Internal Auditors, Riyadh.

The director of Internal Audit, Mr. Abdul Aziz Al-Thumairi, received a team from the Audit Committee headed by Dr. Fares Al-Fares. This is part of the Committee's works to supervise the work of the General Administration of Internal Audit.

The General Administration of Internal Audit celebrated the International Internal Audit Awareness Month for the year 2024. Many awareness messages about internal auditing were sent via e-mail to employees and same messages were displayed on the university's screens.

Prof. Saleh Al-Mezal, received a work team from the General Administration of Internal Audit to submit their annual report for the fiscal year 2023.
The General Administration of Internal Audit has completed auditing for the first quarter of the approved annual internal audit plan for the fiscal year 2024 which features financial audit, performance audit, and compliance audit, as well as submitting reports.

MU rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mezal, approved the annual audit plan for the General Administration of Internal Audit for the fiscal year 2024. This comes in line with Article Seven of the Unified Regulations for Internal Audit.

The General Administration of Internal Audit, MU participated in the 5th Internal Audit Forum at the headquarters of the General Auditing Bureau in Riyadh in the presence of specialists from the internal audit departments of government entities and speakers from inside and outside the Kingdom.
The General Administration of Internal Audit has completed the tasks of the fourth quarter of the approved annual internal audit plan for the fiscal year 2023.

The General Administration of Internal Auditing, MU, participated in a workshop entitled (Trends in Internal Auditing), which was organized by the University of Jeddah, Jeddah. Mr.Sultan Al-Debas, Mr. Sultan Al-Mishaal, Mr. Muhammad Al-Otaibi, and Mr.

The director of Internal Auditing, Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Thumairi, welcomed a delegation of students from the Accounting Department at the College of Business Administration, headed by the head of the department, Mr. Suleiman Al-Hugail.
The General Administration of Internal Auditing has completed the tasks approved in the annual audit plan for the third quarter of the year 2023. The reports were submitted to the audited entities. It has also submitted the report for the third quarter to MU's rector.

The General Administration of Internal Auditing completed the tasks approved in the annual audit plan for the second quarter of the year 2023. Reports and recommendations were submitted for review. The report for the second quarter was also submitted to MU rector.

The director of Internal Auditing, Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Thumairy, received a delegation from the General Administration of Internal Auditing at Qassim University, and the reception was attended by a number of administration employees.

The General Administration of Internal Auditing won the first place in MU rector's Award for Quality and Excellence (Administration Category) for the year 1444 AH.

The director of Internal Audit, Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Thumairy, received a delegation from the General Administration of Internal Audit at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University. The delegation included the assistant director of Internal Audit and a number of staff.
The General Administration of Internal Audit completed the tasks for the review of the first quarter report for the year 2023. The reports and recommendations were submitted to the respected entities. The department also submitted the report to MU rector, Prof. Al-Mizil.

MU rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mizil, approved the annual plan for review at the General Administration of Internal Audit for the year 2023. This is in line with Article 7 of the Unified Regulations for Internal Audit.

The director of General Administration of Internal Audit, Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Thumairy, received the assistant director of General Administration of Strategic Planning, Mr. Nasser Al-Aqeel.