Under the patronage of His Excellency the Rector, Dr. Khalid bin Saad al-Muqrin, Deanship of Scientific Research has celebrated a ceremony for the  Activities of  Scientific Research and Innovation Day on the theatre of Residential City. Deans of Colleges, Supporting Deanships, Faculty Members, Heads of Departments, and others who are concern about the Scientific Research and Innovation have attended the ceremony. The ceremony has started with some recitation of Holy Qur'an then followed by the word of the Dean of Scientific Research and Innovation, Dr. Mohammad bin Nasser Al Swaid, where he talked about the activities of Scientific Research Deanship which have been implemented  according to the strategic plans of the University and in accordance with its vision and mission. Dr. Al Swaid added that our goals for this year will be focused on all the scientific production of both male and female faculty members  in the university, either supported  by the university or be published, as well as raising up the profile of invention and innovation, and setting a pavilion  of the expected participations in the International Fair of Innovations in Geneva this year 2013. He also added that the International NI Foundation has been hosted, which is one of the largest institutions specializing in programming systems and interest control of research activities. The International NI Foundation is preparing an annual conference under the title NI WEEK across the worldwide in Texas for Arab projects, and should be noted  that a group of students from the Faculty of Engineering at the University attended as visitors last year, as well as the preparing  of a continental  competition each year under the title  NI day,  which is an introduction  for the annual competition. Then a documentary film  was shown about the Deanship of Scientific Research. After that  His Excellency the Rector, Dr. Khalid bin Saad al-Muqrin, delivered his word where he talked about what have been performed  by the Deanship of Scientific Research of concrete efforts and excellence in work performance.  His Excellency added that the management of Scientific Research Deanship is a professional management,  where this kind of management leads the Deanship according to a clear vision not looking after faculty members only, but cared about students too. This is a clear example  that this Deanship is going through  a clear specific vision . His Excellency  also added that some Deanships and Colleges have achieved positive results although they have recently established , which is a clear evidence that  success does relate to  age , but relates to active men, their dedication, and clarity of their vision.

After that His Excellency the Rector honored the participated parties ,Scientific Research Centers at the university. Then His Excellency the Rector opened the associated exhibition of the Activities. It is worth mentioning that the associated activities included a lecture by Dr. Rashed Al Abdulkarim  from King Saudi University, where he talked about the publishing in the international journals , as there will also be three workshops, the first  workshop is for the  Research Center of Basic Health Sciences ,  the second workshop is for the Research Center of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and The third workshop is going to be presented by  the Research Center of Humanities and Administrative.




Last modified
Wednesday, 27/March/2013