Conferring Honor upon Faculty of Engineering for its Distinction in the Field of Student Activities

As Faculty of Engineering is always distinguished in the different academic and non-academic fields, his Excellency the university vice President for educational affairs Dr. Mohammad Othman Alrokban has conferred honor upon his Excellency the Dean of Faculty of Engineering Dr. Mohammad Alsalamah for choosing Faculty of Engineering one of the top five colleges in the field of student activities at the university level. The honorary celebration took place in Deanship of Student Affairs in the university. Also, Dr. Tareq Nabeel, the student activities supervisor in Faculty of Engineering was conferred honor upon for being excellent and distinguished in the student activities and programs for the academic year 1433/1434. This honoring event comes as the fruit of hard work and efforts Faculty of Engineering is exerting under the supervision and follow-up of the Faculty Administration seeking to keep the excellent status of the Faculty in order to stay up to date with all different academic and student fields.





Last modified
Wednesday, 26/June/2013