Under the auspices of University vice Presidency for Educational Affairs Prof. Dr. Mohammad Othman Alrokban, Deanship of Student Affairs held an honoring celebration for faculties, distinguished activities supervisors, referees and couches who participated in the fourth scientific conference in Makkah and the other bodies were involved with the Deanship in making its programs succeed.

The celebration has started with some verses from the Noble Qura'an; then his Excellency Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Hamad Abullah Alghemeizi delivered a speech in which he welcomed the audience and thanked them for attending this great celebration. He also thanked everyone provided some support to make these activities and programs succeed. Dr. Alghemeizi highlighted the point that this celebration is based upon the directions from His Highness the University Rector Dr. Khaled Sa'ad Almuqrin who always stresses on honoring distinguished staff. This was followed by the honored staff speech presented by Dr. Fahad Almulhem who commended the impressive work and activities executed by Deanship of Student Affairs that were up to the level compared to Saudi universities and other universities in the region. Then, His Excellency University vice President presented a speech in which he commended all the Deanship efforts and programs throughout the current year and the accomplishments achieved at the university level.

At the end of the celebration, his Excellency the university vice President presented souvenirs and certificates to all colleges, secretaries and colleges that participated in making the Deanship programs and activities succeed.

The honored bodies in the celebration are:

Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Education in Almajma'ah (Women's campus), Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi, Faculty of Business Administration and Faculty of Engineering

Also the distinguished activities supervisors, who are:

1. Aljawharah Yaser Almadhi (Faculty of Education activities secretary)

2. Abdulmohsen Shareed Almuteiri (Faculty of Medicine activities secretary)

3. Dr. Moataz Ta'at Mohammad Abdullah (Faculty of Business Administration activities supervisor)

4. Abdulaziz Ahmad Alqashami (Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi activities supervisor)

5. Dr. Tareq Nabeel (Faculty of Engineering activities supervisor)

Referees in the forth scientific conference from outside the university are:

1. Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Alshaneeqi for refereeing the speech contest in the preparatory forum

2. Msa'ad Ibrahim Almowayyes for refereeing the plastic drawing

3. Ziyad Mohammad alshabanah for conducting a workshop on photography art for university students

4. Abdullah Humoud Alnassar for refereeing photographing in the preparatory forum

5. Abdulwahhab Mohammad Alatallah for conducting a workshop on photography art   

Also the trainers in Qatar debates, and they are:

1. Dr. Fahad Almolhem

2. Suleiman Alqashami

The most prominent participating bodies and individuals with the Deanship are:

1. The committee of printed materials and reviewing researches submitted to the fourth scientific conference

2. Dr. Sa'ad Alhajhouj for presenting a lecture on deviated behaviors

3. Saudi Red Crescent Society in Almajma'ah for conducting a workshop on first aids

4. Saudi Red Crescent Society for conducting a workshop on first aids in Alzulfi

5. Abduljabbar Abanmi, the presenter of first ads workshop in the Prince Nayef program in Almajma'ah

6. Saud Albahar, the presenter of first aids workshop in the Prince Nayef program in Alzulfi

7. Khaled Mohammad

8. Ahmad Dakheel Aloseimi, Riyadh company for work and maintenance

9. The Captain Hesham Ahmad Othman   

Mr. Mohsen Moeidh Alrasheedi was also conferred honor upon for his efforts as he covered the Deanship activities


Dr. Alghemeizi extended his thanks to his Excellency the university President Dr. Khaled Almuqrin for his constant directions of honoring everyone participates in making the university programs succeed. He also thanked his Excellency the university vice President for Educational Affairs for sponsoring this celebration. 









Last modified
Monday, 08/July/2013