The University has declared the dates of receiving the applications of female students for the academic year 1434/1435. Application is open from Tuesday 16/8/1434 until 12:00 pm 26/8/1434. His Excellency the Dean of Admission and Registration in the University Dr. Ahmad Ali Alromeih mentioned that all the facilities the university is witnessing nowadays is based on the royal directions to provide services to all citizens and create a quantum leap in the performance of the administrations. In order to execute the Ministry of Higher Education directions to develop and simplify the admission procedures in a manner that harmonizes with the great development higher education is witnessing in the kingdom, Deanship of Admission and Registration has done all the preparations for admission and registration period. In fact, this period goes through several stages and is followed and supervised by his Highness the University Rector Dr. KHaled Sa'ad Almuqrin who paved the way and overcame all the obstacles the Deanship was facing. Dr. Alromeih clarified that the electronic gate for female students will start receiving the applications of different majors at various faculties in all campuses that university services cover. He also added that the application process is all electronic beginning with entering the data, sorting out the names based on the average of theoretical majors and the percent applied scientific majors and ending with announcing the results and receiving files. Dr. Alromeih also indicated that sorting out the names and announcing the results of admission for female students would be on 27/8/1433. This would be followed by sending the required documents by Express Saudi Post as soon as the results are out after printing out the acceptance letter and attaching the original copy of secondary school transcript along with two copies of it and a copy of Family ID card starting from Saturday 27/8/1434 until Sunday 6/9/1434. He also confirmed that the university will not receive any documents or certificates sent by another courier and will not deal with any documents come in through a person. He made it clear that the university will be paying the cost of these packages. In the event whoever needs more information she/he can visit the electronic gate of the students on the link The electronic admission gate provides the admission criteria for all majors and introduces all the available majors and requirements for each specialty. It also provides an online application form for joining the university and organizes the priority watch list for available specialties according to conditions and criteria of admission. Not only this, but this portal makes it easy for the applicants to know the results of their applications and the dates of sending the documents via express Saudi post. Dr. Alromeih added that Faculty of Medicine would start accepting the students that are interested in earning a BA certificate in medicine and general surgery in addition to other departments in some faculties.     



Last modified
Wednesday, 10/July/2013