The working team of Sheikh Abdullah Al Abdulmohsen Al Tuwaijri Chair for Applied Research for Cases of Stroke has continued its activities at the University. The working team has held its fifth meeting  in the presence of Dr. Raed Bin Saleem Al Baradei, Supervisor of Research Chair, and  members of the Scientific Committee such as Dr. Sami Al Abd Al Wahab, Dr Mohammed Zuhair Qawi, Dr. Abdulrahman Al Harbi, and Director of the Training Programs Academy, Dr. Khaled Al Rumaah,  and the Technician of the Chair, Rami Omran, in addition to Dr.  Raedah Al Baradei  (via telephone communication). Dr. Raed Al Baradei, Supervisor of Research Chair, has stated that a number of topics listed on the agenda has been offered, including the discussion of the budget of the research for the current year, which includes nine projects in addition to assign approved judges for the Chair for future research and specify Committees by the Scientific Committee for Chairs to follow up the backup research. Setting the mechanism of the first internal and external workshop for the Chair has been discussed, where the topic of the first internal workshop would be specified in the next coming meeting. Dr. Al Baradei has also added that the discussion of signing service contracts for the  Research of the Chair, has been on the stage, in collaboration with the International Cooperation Unit at the university in both Britain and Spain, and the nomination of a professor for the Chair. In addition to discuss a request of Website to be submitted to the Site of the University that includes the areas of Chair research and its objectives, also the discussion to issue a monthly electronic paper magazine . At the end of the meeting, Dr. Raed Al Baradei expressed his thanks to all members for their attendance and positive interaction, extending his thanks,  appreciation, and gratitude to his Excellency the Rector of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al Muqrin, for this precious confidence of approving his nomination as a Supervisor of Sheikh Abdullah Al Abdulmohsen Al Tuwaijri Chair for Applied Research for Cases of Stroke at the University, wishing to be measure up to the level of confidence. He also expressed his thanks to His Excellency the Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shayae, for his passion and follow-up the activities and meetings of the Working Team of the Chair.

Last modified
Sunday, 18/August/2013