On behalf of His Highness the Minister of Higher Education Dr. Khalid Al-Angari, Chairman of the university board, His Highness the Rector Dr. Khalid Al-Mogren chaired the 1st meeting for the academic year 1434/1435 in the conference hall in his office. The meeting was attended by the General Secretary of Higher Education Dr. Mohammad Al-Saleh (via video conference), the university vice-rectors and deans of colleges and deanships. The university vice-rector for higher studies and academic research and the general secretary dr. Mohammad al-Shaya’a stated that His Highness the Rector welcomed all members and congratulated everyone the occasion of Eid Alfiter as well as the achievements made by the university over the last period.

His Highness the Rector stressed the importance of following the same strategies as well as doubling the efforts to come up with more achievements.

In the meeting, a number of issues were discussed including the recommendations issued by the committee of scholarship and training during the period from 8/7/1434 to 22/9/1434. The committee was complimented by the board for its invaluable efforts in selecting various majors in a number of local and international renowned universities.


The board also approved the recruitment of a number of faculty members and teaching staff in various majors. Moreover, the recommendations of admission and registration deanship pertinent to fired students for the second semester of the academic year 1433/1434 were endorsed. Some procedural comments were provided by the auditing bureau regarding the final account Majmaah University for the academic year 1434/1435.

The board also discussed the importance of updating the academic calendar in accordance with royal decree of making Friday and Saturday as official holidays. a committee will be formed to settle the issue of academic calendar. The board also approved a number of administrative issues related to the university staff.      


Last modified
Wednesday, 04/September/2013