Under the patronage of His Excellency the Rector Dr. Khalid Al-Mogren, was held to launch the week of technology and e-transactions, which was attended by deans of colleges and supported deanships.


Addressing the audience, Dr. Ahmed Al-Rumeih, Director of the Organization Committee stated that the effectiveness of any sector whether private or government is determined by its ability to apply technology in its entire works. Therefore, a number of organizations were found measure the extent to which any organization has been able to employ technology in its transactions. Towards that end, Majmaah University has established a supreme committee to supervise that shift. This committee is chaired the Rector and a number of specialists in this field.  He added that the university has made enormous achievements in its transactions since most of them are executed electronically. The university was successfully able to automatism many systems like the committee and minutes system, follow up staff system, maintenance, etc.


After that, a documentary film was shown about the university system participating in this week. Then, the scientific program began by Dr. Charles Boarder, Kissinger Institute for Technology who gave a lecture titled “ the American Experience in E-Transactions” where he talked about the obstacles that have been overcome. He also expressed his admiration about the university electronic system and the great achievement in comparison with the short span of the university since the establishment.


Dr. Omar Al-Muteihy delivered a speech where he mentioned about Majmaah University experience in e-transactions. He also made a reference to the courses held to promote the culture of information technology and e-learning.


Addressing the audience, Dr. Al-Mogren, the Rector of Majmaah University delivered a speech where he expressed his admiration and content with progress that have been achieved in the field of e-transactions and added that this would enable the university to achieve more success and development yet to come.


Eventually, winners of the sub-domain competition were awarded as well as winners of faculty members and staff competition followed by a visit to the attached exhibition which includes 17 sections. 


Last modified
Monday, 04/November/2013