As the Deanship of Student Affairs is so keen to activate the electronic information resources (Databases and the Digital Library) and since these resources are so informative and useful for enriching the educational process and scientific research, the Deanship has started to conduct a number of training courses specialized in how to do research in the digital resources. Moreover, the Deanship continued to exert more efforts in this field. In fact, a quite number of training programs have been conducted on "How to Use the Saudi Digital Library and the Research Skills in the Digital Environment" for teaching staff in the faculties outside Almajma'ah in order to encourage using these resources. The programs covered the following faculties:
· Faculty of Sciences and Humanities in Alghat on Dhealhijjah 23 1434
· Faculty of Education in Alzulfi on DheAlhijjah 25 1434
· Faculty of Sciences and Humanities in Alghat on Muharram 1 1435
· Faculty of Sciences and Humanities in HootatSadeeronMuharram 3 1435
His Excellency Dr. UsamahKhamees (the Deanship consultant) did the training and gave a presentation on the Saudi Digital Library that includes explanation and introduction about the Saudi Digital Library and training on how to register, search and browse it. Also, he illustrated the search strategies on the electronic environment with some samples. It is worth-noting that seventy eight of the teaching staff members from the four faculties benefited a lot from the presentation.