Under the auspices of his Excellency the Dean of the Faculty Dr. Mohammad Saleh Aloboudi, Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi held its First Scientific Day. The celebration started with verses from the Noble Qura'an by the student Abdulrahman Aldhuweikh. Then, his Excellency Dr. Mohammad Aloboudi, the Dean of the Faculty and the first forum chairman his Excellency Dr. Mohammad Aloboudi delivered a speech in which he welcomed the guests and he commended the essential role the University plays in enriching knowledge of students in different fields and the unlimited support from the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for universities and educational institutions. At the end of his speech, he wished the participants and attendees all success. Then, the first session entitled: "Blood Transfusion Medicine: Challenges and Future Vision" started, chaired by his Excellency Dr. Misha'al Khaled Alnefeisan, the director of training and community service unit and the chairman of the organizing committee. It was presented by Dr. Khawajah Haki, the consultant of blood disorders and blood transfusion medicine in King Fahad Specialist Hospital in Dammam. This was followed by a worksheet presented by Dr. Haki entitled: "Transplanting Bones Marrow in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia". He presented his experience in the Kingdom that exceeded 13 years in the field of blood transfusion medicine and transplanting bones marrow. After the lunch break, his Excellency Dr. Raed Albaradie, the vice Dean of Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences for Higher Studies and Scientific Research in the University, presented his research that was granted a patent and several local and international prizes. His research is on measuring the percentage of hemoglobin without taking an example of the patient's blood. This drew all the attendees' attention. Then, Dr. Suleiman Abdullah Alsaqabi, the assistant professor in Department of Medical Laboratories and the vice Dean of Faculty of Sciences for Quality and Development, presented a worksheet in relation with diagnosing blood cancer conditions which he did his PhD of the type CLL in the United Kingdom. At the end of the forum, recommendations and suggestions were discussed by the presenters; and certificates and souvenirs were given.            



Last modified
Sunday, 26/January/2014