The Medical College ran an awareness-campaign about walking in Majmaah titled “Let’s Walk”. The campaign which targets all the society sectors aimed at promoting the concept of walking and its health benefits. It also focused on showing the right way of healthy walk and highlighting the wrong practices. The campaign has witnessed a massive acceptance among the society sectors.

Dr. Khalid M. Abdelwahhab, Dean of Medical College expressed his content with this this initiative and interaction from people though the weather is extremely cold. He added that serving the society is a crucial objective for the College to be achieved based on a constant follow-up from  His Excellency the Rector Dr.Khalid Al-Mugren. He also expressed his thanks to all officials sectors in Majmaah which have provided any sort of facilitation or assistance.

The Deputy-Dean Dr. Mansour Al-Zahrani stated that this campaign was organized and ran by the students.

It is worth mentioning that the campaign was ran at one of the beautiful places allocated by the municipality of Majmaah where faculty members have participated in this activity. The campaign was accompanied by the Mobile Medical Services to provide the necessary health care for participants.    

Last modified
Sunday, 26/January/2014