The Zulfi Education College Graduates the Fifteenth Batch of its Students for the Academic Year 1434/1435Ah The Zulfi Education College graduates the fifteenth batch of its students for the academic year 1434/1435 AH. The Zulfi Education College celebrated, in a Wednesday joyful noon, in Rajab 1435 AH the graduation of the fifteenth batch of its female students in eight scientific departments that included 400 female students. The ceremony started with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran delivered by the student: Fatima Al-Melhem. Then, the march of graduated female started followed by the word of His Excellency the College Dean Dr; Abdullah Al-Swiket delivered on his behalf by the College Vice-Dean for Students Affairs, Fatima Ahmed. Then, there was the word of his Excellency the Dean of Admission and Enrollment, Dr Ahmed Al-Rimeh which was delivered on his behalf by the Supervisor of the Admission and Enrollment Unit, Professor Amel Al-Itibi which was followed by the word of the graduates which was delivered on their behalf by the student, Tayba Al-Tawala. After that, there was the word of the graduates’ mothers which was delivered on their behalf by a female graduate, Badriya Al-Said. Then, the ceremony was concluded by a poem made and recited by the student: Loulou Al-Nifiti. Indeed, what is worth to mention is that the ceremony is considered one of the best ceremonies that the college had set up in terms of organization and readiness and creation in the march of the female students. Besides, every department’s supervisor had participated in the ceremony by offering greetings cards for its students. In addition, the graduates’ mothers has participated their daughters’ joy, the fact that had lent an air of happiness and joy during this long-awaited day of graduation. As a matter of fact, with this happy occasion for all those who belong to the college, the college’s employees and graduates express its deepest thanks and gratitude to Almighty God, and to the country’s governors, led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Crown Prince and to Crown Prince for his unlimited support to the higher education, the Majmaa University, the Zulfi Education College which had a significant impact in providing the educational environment that helps education. Then thanks went to the His Excellency the Rector Khalid Bin Saad Al-Muqren for his permanent follow up and persistent care so that the university colleges have the necessary equipments.

Last modified
Wednesday, 14/May/2014