The Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research meets with the faculty members and like at the college of Science and Humanities of houtet Sudair. The College had the honor on Tuesday, 22/06/1435 AH to receive his Excellency the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Dr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Shaya within the framework of the deanship support to the colleges. This visit comes within a scheduled program which deals with the most important issues related to the deanship of Graduate Studies and scientific Research like the procedures of hiring assistants and lecturers , language teachers , the affairs of scholarship , scientific research , the students’ innovations , publishing , translation , and scientific conferences . The visit program started at twelve o’clock with an open discussion with his Excellency the deputy Dr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Shaya in the presence of the college dean Dr. Tariq Bin Sulaiman Albahlal together with the faculty members and the college teaching assistants and lecturers from both the male and female sections. Communication with the female section occurred via the television network (video conferencing). His Excellency the deputy delivered his speech in which he talked about the deanship most important functions and characteristics, and the nature of its relationship with the colleges and among the basic elements which he had referred to were: First, the Deanship of Scientific Research; his Excellency explained the role of scientific research deanship in the evaluation of the performance of the colleges and the universities in general. He stated that during this year two hundred and twenty-one researches have been published by employees of the University of AL-majmaah in local and international spheres. His Excellency also explained the deanship interest in publishing and translation as well as scientific research through several ways such as the scientific publishing of the approved scientific journals, and the encouragement and support of scientific researches that adopt the university’s research priorities. He also stated that the faculty members’ share in the initial research assessment of this year sponsored researches has witnessed a respectable number of researches submitted by the faculty members of the College of Science and Humanities of Houth Sudair . Secondly, the Scientific Council: His Excellency the vice president pointed out that the Scientific Council has range of powers in recruitment and other academic applications which he explained briefly stressing out the details of some points, when needed, like the scientific promotions. His Excellency clarified the applying terms of a promotion for each citizen, and contractors of higher postdoctoral ranks and this through adhering to the conditions listed in the deanship electronic icon in the university main gate. Fourth, the Committee of scholarship and training: His Excellency pointed out that this committee has two sections: first, scholarships for assistants and lecturers and second: training, which is subject to the standards granted by the quality plan and training management stressing out how serious the deanship is about this aspect, given that the university is working on certain programs that will be available and launched soon. Fifth, International Cooperation Committee: which is concerned with having a partnership between the University of Al-majmaah and other universities, and which accepts the colleges’ proposals in the matter. Sixth, the Innovation Center: the vice president stated that this center is primarily established for the university students to adopt their ideas and support their innovations in various disciplines until they get their patent certificates. The College Dean monitored the discussion which involved a series of questions that revolved mostly around important topics related to scientific publishing, research centers establishment , international cooperation , and promotions and to which his Excellency the vice president gave complete answers to clear up the idea for those who had asked and to the audience. Afterwards, this open discussion was followed by a presentation prepared by the Higher Studies unit of the college and whose content was highly appreciated by the vice president since it displayed the unity’s efforts throughout its three sections: (recruitments, scientific promotions, scientific research and scholarship ) during the current academic year. The report also included a number of statistical data that prove the college progress in scientific research publishing, the recruitment of national cadres in different functional grades and disciplines, and the growing statistical average of sending out lecturers and assistants from both the female and male gender to pursue their postgraduate programs (master or PhD) whether inside or outside the kingdom. At the end of the meeting, his Excellency the deputy praised the college endeavors in the field of Graduate Studies and Research. He also thanked the college Dean Dr. Tariq bin Suleiman for adopting the Deanship directions with proficiency and capability and which are reflected in the neatly presented transactions submitted to the deanship and that allow the decision-makers of the different college committees to issue the appropriate instruction. At the end of the meeting, the college dean Dr. Tariq Bin Sulaiman Albahlal thanked His Excellency Dr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Shaya ; Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research for accepting the invitation and bearing the trip hardships. The meeting ended when his Excellency had left the college building at 02.00 pm.


Last modified
Monday, 26/May/2014