His Excellency Rector of Majmaah University Dr. Khalid Saad Al-Mugren extended his thanks and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz - may Allah protect him - and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Nayef Bin Abdulaziz, for what is allocated for Majmaah University, from the state budget this year which reached to (1.038.970.000). This is considered a great appreciation by the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for the efforts being made in the university and the accomplishments achieved during the five years since its establishment.


Dr. Khalid showed his happiness with this budget indicated that the amounts allocated for Majmaah University will further progress the University and will enable it to achieve a number of planned objectives along with providing all necessary requirements for all of the university facilities of deanships, colleges and departments.



Dr. Khalid Al Muqrin added that the increase in the budget for this year than it was last year proves the stability of the Saudi economy and its resistance against the financial and political crises surrounding our dear homeland.


His Excellency Dr. Khalid Al Muqren concluded his statement by reiterating his congratulations to all citizens and officials for this budget, which is the largest in the country history. He called the Almighty God to protect the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and to protect the Crown Prince.



Last modified
Thursday, 01/January/2015