His Excellency Rector of the University Inaugurates the Preparatory Meeting for the 3rd Scientific Conference of Higher Education Students

His Excellency Rector of the university, Dr. Khalid Bin Sa’ad al-Muqrin has inaugurated the festival of the preparatory meeting for the 3rd scientific conference of higher education students which was organized by the deanship of students affair at the stage of the university with the presence of the Vice Rector, Dr. Ibrahim al-Hugail, deans of faculties and deanships, heads of administrations, and a number of teaching staffs as well as students’ guardians. The festival was launched by a recitation for the Holly Qur’an, followed by a speech for students who participated in the festival. Then a speech delivered by the dean of students affair Dr. Faisal Bin Abdullah al-Homood  where he stated that the deanship has started the preparation for the conference via nominating coordinators for the faculties, announcing about the meeting for students, then receiving the participations which reached more than a hundred participations focused on innovations, researches and photographing. He also added that the deanship has conducted a course for the participated students titled ‘In preparation for excellent presentation’ presented by the coach Abdulaziz al-Shunaify. Moreover, there was a magazine issued for the preparatory meeting. Furthermore, stimulative cash prizes were set for all nominated participants by faculties and deanships. Then, Dr. Alhmood extended his thanks and appreciations for the Rector and his deputy for their continuous care and follow-up with the preparation of the conference which are considered by Dr. Alhmood as a strong motivation for providing excellent results. After that, his Excellency Rector of the university delivered his speech in which he referred to the efforts made by the government and leaders to provide all the facilities needed for creating an educational environment at high levels and encouraged students to take care of all facilities in the university. He also expressed his happiness and admissions for the efforts made by the deanship of students affair with regard to the preparation. After that, His Excellency Rector of the university awarded the coordinators of the meeting in faculties, then inaugurated the exhibition of students’ works where he cut off the tape and took a round in the exhibition to look into the researches conducted by students as well as their participations in innovations while his excellency was listening to the explanations of students for their work. Finally, His Excellency left the deanship, and all students went to the university stage where the scientific meetings commenced.  



Last modified
Saturday, 24/March/2012