The Supervisor of Admission and Registration at the university, Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Al Rumaih, stated that his Excellency the Rector of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad al-Muqrin, has issued a directive to quickly implement the generous sublime Royal Decree to cash the reward of two months for each male and female students at the university, including the students of Community College. Therefore, the directive includes the reward of two months even for those students whom monthly reward has been cut because of warnings, as well as those who have registered for a number of hours, but less than the required burden, also male and female students who overstayed formal education, to implement the High Royal Order that was issued by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz, may God protect him, the Order which stated to cash the reward of two months' salary for each male and female students. The Supervisor of Admission and Registration added that the reward of two months will include all students who are enrolled at the university, stressing that the his Excellency the Rector directed for a quick implementation of the sublime Royal Decree by preparing the necessary procedures to deposit the reward of two months in all students' bank accounts who are covered by the generous Royal Order as soon as possible, God willing. The Supervisor of Admission and Registration, Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Rumaih, and all employees of the university as well as students expressed their happiness and gratitude to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and His Highness the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz, and the deputy Crown Prince, His Royal Highness, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz, adding we ask Allah Almighty to keep them safe and protect them, and to guide our wise leadership to achieve more prosperity and well-being life for all citizens of our dear homeland, expressing their happiness in this generous giving which embeds in the psyche self-reassurance, brightens the chests, and increases the cohesion of the children of the kingdom with their leadership to face the challenges and to maintain the national earnings.



Last modified
Sunday, 08/February/2015