His Excellency the Rector of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al Muqrin, has sponsored the events of the Preparatory Forum of the Sixth Scientific Conference for male and female students of higher education in the Kingdom, which is organized and supervised by the Deanship of Student Affairs, where his Excellency opened the exhibition, and attended the ceremony that was held on the occasion. Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al Ghumaizy, (University Coordinator at the Conference, and the General Supervisor of the Forum) stated  that after his Excellency the Rector of the University had opened the exhibition, he listened to an explanation about the participation of the university during the past years in the scientific conference for male and female students, as well as the operational phases of the activities of this Preparatory Forum, then his Excellency the Rector passed on the pavilions of the exhibition which were distributed based on the themes of the scientific conference, as the following: pivot of scientific research, pivot of community service, pivot of delivery, pivot of drawing, pivot of documentaries, pivot of entrepreneurship, and pivot of innovation. Therefore,  his Excellency the Rector has listened during his tour round the pavilions of the exhibition to an explanation from students about their participations in this Forum, where His Excellency expressed his thanks to them for their participations, and motivated them to develop these participations; to achieve excellent results in the scientific conference. Also, during his tour round the pavilions of the exhibition His Excellency passed on the Department of Plastic Arts, and watched the students while they were drawing, and met with a group of them, and encouraged them, and had a conversation with them about their artistic talents, then some of the students were honoured to present their drawings as a gift to His Excellency. At the end of the show,  His Excellency recorded in the panel of allegiance, which was prepared by the Deanship of Student Affairs, an allegiance to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the Crown Prince , the Deputy Crown Prince- May God save them, then the university officials and students recorded their allegiance on the panel as well. After that, His Excellency honoured the rhetorical ceremony which was prepared and sponsored by himself on this occasion, as well as the presence of their Excellency Vice Rectors of the University, Deans of Colleges and supporting Deanships , and a representative of the Ministry of Education, Dr. Hisham Al Mughrabi, as well as a large number of university officials, staff and students. Therefore, the ceremony started with recitation of Holy Qur'an, then a speech by the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al Ghumaizy, in which he stated the great support given to the Forum by his Excellency the Rector of the University because of his realization that the real investment is to invest in the minds and in education, and thanked all those parties that contributed together with the Deanship of Student Affairs at this Forum and its activities, then the Director of the Centre for Innovation, Dr. Bakhit Al-Rashidi, delivered a speech in which he highlighted the achievements of the Center, and its efforts in the Forum, as well as the statistics of male and female participants in the pivot of innovation and entrepreneurship, in addition to present a documentary film about the activities of the Preparatory Forum. After that, his Excellency the Rector of the University, the sponsor of this event, delivered a speech on this occasion, and honoured the winners who have got the first place in each pivot, then the souvenir  pictures were taken on this occasion. Dr. Al Ghumaizy has stated that the activities of the Forum for this year and are associated with the pivot of innovation and the pivot of entrepreneurship supervised by the Centre for Innovation and Student Distinct Ideas, and under direct supervision of the Director of the Center, Dr. Bakhit Al-Rashidi, also he clarified that a number of Deanships and Departments of the University have contributed to the success of the Forum, and the number of participations that calculated for the Forum approached 700 participations of male and female students of the university, and that the judgment committees were more than 35 members of faculty members. Thus, the representative of the Ministry of Education, Dr. Hisham Al Mughrbi, was impressed of what he saw at the show, and what characterized the participations of male and female students of quality and excellence, and what did the rhetorical ceremony include of passages, as well as what the documentary film did express of  great efforts contributed to the success of the Forum, and distinguished it among Saudi Universities Forums. On their part, the participating students in the Forum expressed their deep thanks and appreciation to his Excellency the Rector of the University for his support, care, and encouragement of the university that contributed to motivate them to participate in this Forum, asking Allah Almighty for further progress. Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al Ghumaizy, Dean of Student Affairs,  expressed his sincere thanks to his Excellency the Rector of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al Muqrin, for what the Deanship does receive of support from him, as well as what the Forum did receive of generous patronage and support of his Excellency, also Dr. Al Ghumaizy expressed his thanks to their Excellency Vice Rectors of the University, Deans of Colleges and supporting Deanships, Heads of Departments, and all heads and members of committees for their efforts in the success of the Forum, asking God Almighty the university to achieve advancement and excellence in all areas.





















































Last modified
Sunday, 08/February/2015