Deanship of Community Service in University Lunches Training Courses in English Language of Various Levels

Out of the concern of Deanship of Community Service in University to provide educational services and training programs with high quality for society individuals, Deanship of Community Service in University, through training department, lunches training Courses in English Language of various levels for three months. The objective of this program is to develop the English Language skills of individuals who live in provinces within the span of university. His Excellency Head of Training Department in the Deanship Dr. Mohammad Abdulqader al-Nemr stated that this program targets both male and female. This program is run under the supervision of highly qualified cadres who were trained under a program called “Qualifying Community Service Trainers” which was supervised by His Excellency Dean of Community Service Dr. Omer bin Mesaed al-sheruoofi. This program comes as a respond to the guidance of His Highness the Rector Dr. Khalid bin Sa’ad al-Mogren to target the society individuals with training programs that meet their needs as well as emphasizing on language and computer courses being essential for the nowadays life.


Last modified
Saturday, 31/March/2012