The College of Sciences and Humanities in Ghat celebrated On Wednesday 16/08/1436 AH the graduation of the third batch of its female students in a number of scientific disciplines. The number of graduates for this year amounted to 113 graduates spread over the following academic departments: Department of Business Administration 38 graduates, Department of English Language 42 graduates, Department of Computer Sciences 33 graduates. It is worth noting that the preparation for this ceremony satrted early by forming a number of committees to organize the it under the chairmanship of the Vice Dean of the College-females section- Ms. Jamila bint Mofleh Al Harbi. Female colleagues including faculty members and employees made distinct efforts to let this ceremony reflect the dignified and honorable image of the university in a professional way. Female students and their families were impressed by this ceremony which was an occasion to transmit the greetings and congratulations of his Excellency the Rector of the University, Dr. Khaled bin Saad Al Muqrin, as well as the greetings and congratulations of the Vice Rector of the University and the Dean of the College, Dr. Khalid bin Abdullah Al Shafi, wishing graduates bright careers full of success. It is worth mentioning that the ceremony started with verses from the Holy Quran, and then a march of graduate students took place followed by the speech of the Dean of Admission and Registration delivered on his behalf by the Coordinator of Admission and Registration at the college Ms. Saher Al Omar. The floor was then given to the Vice Dean of the College's female section Ms. Jamila bint Mofleh Al Harbi to deliver the speech of the College’s Dean, in which she congratulated the students on this occasion and urged them to work hard and make more efforts for the sake of serving their country. A visual presentation entitled (words on the graduation day) was played after that where a number of faculty members participated in this occasion. Moreover, a mother of one of the graduates delivered a speech in which she congratulated all the graduates, describing the feelings and passion about this event, which is one of the most important events in her life as a mother. Outstanding graduates were honored then a short visual presentation about the participation of graduates in all activities of the college was displayed. At the end of the ceremony, a number of faculty members were honored and thanked for their concrete efforts during the academic year. Hence, the Dean of the College, Dr. Khaled bin Abdullah Al-Shafi, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Vice Dean Ms. Jamelia bint Mofleh Al Harbi, faculty members, and employees for their outstanding efforts to make this ceremony appear in its bright and stunning picture.


Last modified
Thursday, 25/June/2015