Majmaah University Rector Dr. Khaled Al-Muqrin has launched the Transport Service Application in the Meeting Room at his office. Mr. Metab Al-Maymony, the Director of the Service Department at the University gave the first inauguration speech. “I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our university rector here today”, he started. Mr. Maymony expressed his appreciation to the rector for his ongoing support for the Service Department and the previous launch of the E-transport System. “This system has achieved a paradigm shift in the transport system because it has been helping our university students to reach the campus and other branches from different distant locations along with regulating the daily shuttles and handling the notes effectively” he said. Mr. Maymony pointed to the importance of the services provided through modern technology and the tendency to offer something extra to the University Transport System in light of the expansion and spread of technology. The E-Transport application is complementary to the services provided on the university website. “Some features of the transport services are highlighted through this application. Notes about the buses, drivers and weather conditions can be easily reported and managed by the control room”, Mr. Maymony added. At the end of his speech, Mr. Maymony thanked the members of the Service Development Committee for their efforts in accomplishing this task successfully. Vice-president of the University, Dr. Mosallam Mohammed Al-Dossari praised the application and pointed out its distinctive features and the services it provides to cover and serve the expansion of the University along with meeting the pressing need for these initiatives that use the modern technology for the benefit of students and parents. “I think this application is one of the best services provided by Majmaah University”, Dr. Dossari said. Following the inauguration of the application, Majmaah University rector Dr. Khaled Saad Al-Muqrin welcomed the audience. He then thanked Allah, the Almighty, for the great blessings bestowed on the country in general and on Majmaah University in particular reflected by the success it has been witnessing since its establishment. “Our success comes from Allah first and foremost and from those dedicated faculty members and administrators in various disciplines and colleges at the university.” He said. It’s worth mentioning that the last of these achievements were the university obtaining the ISO Certificate from the British Standards Institution BSI and the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences gaining academic accreditation from the American Board for Academic Accreditation of Engineering and Technology (ABET) program for medical devices technology. Dr. Al-Muqrin pointed out that accomplishments, like aspirations, have no limits or specific disciplines. They are needed and desired in all fields. “This advanced E-transport Service Application complements the previous achievements of the Service Department, motivating us to go the extra mile on the roads of accomplishments, which definitely distinguishes our university in the field of technology and other fields. It’s a model of the collaboration between different departments here on campus” Dr. Muqrin said. “These initiatives are mainly driven by our sense of responsibility, our principles and values that urge us to provide the best service to people as well as our desire for the development of this fledging university”, he continued. Dr. Muqrin concluded by stressing the evaluation of the application and its services in addition to sending users’ feedback about its work and the problems they might have so that developers can update its features regularly. Subsequently, several attendees expressed their opinions and admiration for the application and its services, praising the university achievements in all fields.


Last modified
Sunday, 06/September/2015