The National Day is a glorious day in the history of the kingdom, representing a great example of the meaning of cohesion, solidarity and the strength of belonging. This year, we celebrate the 85th anniversary of the kingdom. It has been a glorious day in the history of the kingdom and the world, when, by God’s blessing and grace, our unprecedented national unity in the modern history was achieved after fighting and disarray. A united home country has been created where security and prosperity spread all over its distant regions bringing about stability and affluence to its citizens and setting a wonderful example of solidarity, coherence and loyalty to the leadership. On this occasion, I would like to extend our congratulations on behalf of 20,000 students and 5,000 employees at Majmaah University to our great leadership and our fellow country men and women all around the kingdom. On this day, we recall the biography of the founder of the kingdom, King Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud (God Bless His Soul), a biography which provides us with memorable lessons and examples learned from his achievements and heroic acts. King Abdul-Aziz established our kingdom 85 years ago, paving the road to this current flourishing era of King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz (God Bless Him). We feel the pride of having this great nation and respect for our rulers who adopted Islam as a constitution and a frame of reference for all acts of life, sincerity of leadership as a model of inspiring leadership, piety in dealing with the people, good behavior and wise decision-making as well as embracing the Islamic principle of counseling for reaching unanimity for the public good. Generations have come and gone; and the progress of modernization has continued to grow throughout all corners of the kingdom due to the stable and effective national policy that has always kept the country united and strong. This policy has brought about growth to all parts of the country in all walks of life, as it has always given the Saudi citizen and his/her daily needs its first priority and embraced the core principles and values of Islam in dealing with others with respect and tolerance. Thus, our leadership has stood firm during the times of adversity and challenges. However, remarkable resilience has been demonstrated in the face of need and plight, resulting in more efforts and more giving, which in turn has led to the fulfilment of aspirations and ambitions of the Saudi people. This has always been done in service of Islam, our homeland and our Islamic and Arabic identity. Difficult challenges of life have been directed and met in order to benefit the Saudi citizen and the country at large, maintaining economic and national stability at difficult times when the neighboring countries have plunged into chaos and civil unrest. Focusing on growth and development in all sectors in the kingdom has been the objectives of our effective leadership which yielded our current prosperity and cultural renaissance throughout the country, fulfilling the people’s ambitions and satisfying their aspirations for a better future to their sons and daughters. One of these aspirations is the paradigm shift in our education. An accelerated ongoing development in the higher education sector has been made due to the substantial support and continuing care of our great leadership. We have been witnessing the considerable efforts made for Majmaah University along with the enormous potentials given to it so that it can perform its educational leading role and serve the students and society, investing the support and care of the leadership and enhancing the considerable achievements it has made during the few years of its establishment. Thanks to Allah, Majmaah University has managed to accomplish major accomplishments as well as making remarkable progress in both academic and administrative fields. We all witness the amount of considerable achievements at the level of infrastructure completion, of the establishment of departments and deanships, in addition to the restoration of colleges and buildings. Progress in the development of academic programs and educational curricula has been made. Also, high-tech classrooms and laboratories that meet the international standards have been built, creating a unique learning environment for students in order to help them reach their potentials. Moreover, we have been working on the development of academic programs in all colleges in Majmaah University and opening new quality colleges and buildings where all academic, administrative and recreational requirements are available which facilitate our advancement and leadership in supporting talents and creativity in our students so that they have managed to win Arab and international prizes. Additionally, Majmaah University has been providing outstanding programs to the community in order to fulfil its social and educational role as part of its community service. Several agreements with international and national experienced bodies have been signed in this regard. The university e-learning website has earned advanced positions among Arab and Saudi universities along with the e-government prize, which is the prize of the International Summit of Information Community of 2015, held in Geneva, Switzerland this year. Further, at the outset of this academic year, we were delighted to know about the latest achievements of the university obtaining the ISO certification from the British standard institution (BSI). Moreover, the College of Applied Medical Science has obtained the academic accreditation for its Medical Technology Program from the American Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. Likewise, the College of Science in Zulfi has obtained academic accreditation for all its academic programs from the German Accrediting Agency, ASIIN. Dr. Muqrin has emphasized that achievements do not stop at a certain level, and they are not restricted to a certain field. “We are trying our best to make progress in all fields in order to use all the potentials and support handed to us to achieve high levels of quality in the academic, administrative, technological and logistical fields.” He said. “Through our concerted efforts, team work and solid determination, Majmaah University can become an academic beacon contributing to the development of our academic community and the society at large, thank you very much” the rector concluded.


Last modified
Sunday, 11/October/2015