Majmaah University Rector Dr. Khalid AL-Muqrin will sponsor the university commemoration of the 85th anniversary of National Day next Sunday. A speech celebration will be held on the campus theater in Majmaah. Deans and vice-deans of Majmaah University along with administrators will attend celebration. There will be a variety of shows and documentaries presenting the unification of the kingdom and the university services to the country and community within the last 6 years. On the other hand, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin expressed his sincere congratulations to the great leadership and the Saudi people on Eid Al-Adha. He prayed to Allah the almighty to bless the government and Saudi people in addition to all the people of the Islamic world with this Eid and return it many years with Muslims enjoying the blessings of safety and security. He also prayed the almighty to protect Saudi Arabia from all evils. Moreover, the rector congratulated the leadership and the Saudi people on the anniversary of the unification of kingdom by his majesty King Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud (God Bless His Soul). Furthermore, He praised the comprehensive advancement that is taking place in the country in all fields, especially in the field of education through the constant support of the government of the Custodian of the 2 Holy Mosques (God Bless Him). He stressed that whatever we do to this country, we will still fall short of fulfilling our obligation towards it. “We enjoy several great blessings in our daily life like safety and security and the cooperation of our rulers with the citizens,” Dr. Muqrin said. “All of these blessings can be felt by the ordinary citizens because, actually, there is almost no country in the world that provides all these advantages to its citizens except Saudi Arabia,” he continued. “So we have to ensure the sustainability of these advantages, first by thanking Allah the Almighty, and secondly, by cooperating with the governors of this country and referring to our religious scholars because we are in one ship, and each one of us must do his part in maintaining our country’s stability and security,” the rector concluded.


Last modified
Sunday, 11/October/2015