Feisal Al-Shammari, a scholarship student sent by the College of Education at Majmaah University to study Education in Australia, has been honored by the Saudi Embassy in Australia and New Zealand and the cultural attaché in the Australian capital Canberra in a ceremony that combined two occasions: Eid Al-Adha and the 85th national day anniversary. Australian Members of Parliament and several dignitaries from Australia, Islamic and Arab countries as well as diplomatic figures and Saudi students studying in Australia attended the meeting. The ceremony began with the national anthem, and then the Saudi Ambassador in Australia Mr. Nabeel Al-Salih, deputy ambassador Mr. Mishaal Al-Rouki and the cultural attaché Dr. Abdul-Aziz Bin Talib delivered their speeches. Afterwards, scholarship students in Australia have been honored for their creative achievements. Mr. Al-Shammari, studying English and Ph.D. at Queensland University in Australia, presented a summary of his project, which is concerned with encouragement of education using 15 educational applications through 5 stages of theoretical and practical education. The project will be published as a research paper in the research center of Queensland University as part of Feisal’s research for his Ph.D. degree. Moreover, Mr. Shammari has presented his idea of learning English according to the internal cognitive theory using an electronic device related to educational technology. Subsequently, Mr. Shammari expressed his appreciation and gratitude to Majmaah University Rector Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin for his support of e learning at the University and support of creating an environment based on integrating education with technology in addition to his personal interest in scholarship students and their educational needs. He also expressed thanks to the College of Education at Majmaah University and to the deanship of eLearning as well as to all students that have had a number of developmental projects inside and outside the University, which provided him with the experience in his field (Education Technology). 

Last modified
Wednesday, 21/October/2015