On the sidelines of the Symposium entitled (the Role of Volunteerism in Community Development) held by the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education under the sponsorship of Majmaah University Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin, the Deanship held a training workshop (Voluntary Work Effect) for university students who are interested in voluntary initiatives. This workshop was organized in cooperation with Al-Anoud Centre of Princess Al-Anoud Charity. Mr. Ahmad Al-Trapsi gave the training under the supervision of Mr.Mishaal Al-Qadeb, Director of Al-Anoud Center. The workshop events began with a speech by the dean of Community Service and Continuing Education, Dr. Omar Al-Shariofi as he advised participants to take the best advantage of the training in order to develop their voluntary initiatives and transfer that Experience to their colleagues at the University. Dr. Shariofi honored the trainers and the guests. Participating students will have certificates of participation from the vice-rector for their participation in the workshop. 

Last modified
Wednesday, 21/October/2015