His Excellency the Rector of the University Dr. Khalid Bin Saad Al-mugran has attested to an inauguration ceremony of the Digital Credence Service at the university in collaboration with the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology's National Centre for Digital Credence. Also present at the ceremony were Dr. Msallam Bin Muhamed Aldosary, the university deputy; Dr. Adel Bin Muhamed Alsaid, Information Technolgy dean; Dr. Fahd Bin Abdullah Alhuaimany, director of the aforementioned National Centre for Digital Credence; Dr. Abdulrahman Alariny, Ministry Counsellor and General Director of YOSR software program for electronic transactions; and a number of university staff. The venue for this ceremony was the reception hall at the Rector's office headquarters.

The ceremony has opened with a documentary show about the project and its goals, followed by a speech by Dr. Msallam Bin Muhamed Aldosary, the university deputy, in which he welcomed the participants and stressed that the university has striven since it was established to activate electronic services in accordance with the national plan for telecommunications and information technology. This was mainly due, he said, to his excellency the Rector's support. He also drew attention to the fact that this occasion reflects what the university has achieved in terms of information technology development and electronic transactions. He also added that his Excellency the Rector has given enough importance to attracting skillful and dexterous recruits so that the university can develop from traditional paperwork transactions to the more sophisticated digital ones. He also added that the whole project goes in line with the government's policy that encourages the implementation of such digital transactions and the accompanying efficient legal texts that clearly organize such implementation. He concluded his speech with an expression of gratitude to his Excellency the Rector for his continual support and also to the members of the National Centre for Digital Credence who were present for the occasion, to the Information Technology Deanship staff, especially Dr. Adel Bin Muhamed Alsaid for the efforts they have done and their achievements at an emerging university.   

This speech was then followed by another one delivered by Dr. Fahd Bin Abdullah Alhuaimany, director of the National Centre for Digital Credence, in which he praised the university's relentless efforts and will and the highly qualified personnel it has that made Majmaah University rank 17th in a list that involves more than 80 applicants for Digital Credence projects. His excellency the Rector, Dr. Khalid Bin Saad Almogran has after that delivered a speech in which he welcomed all participants and explained that the project is a real achievement for a university that has been established only 6 years ago and that nothing could have been achieved were it not for the benedictions of Allah first and then the loving support for the university endowed upon it by his Majesty the King. The university, his Excellency added, started with a 300-million riyal budget, only 350 faculty and staff members, and 5000 students, to achieve now a two-billion riyal budget, more than 3000 faculty and staff members, and more than 25.000 students, which is, according to his Excellency, really and actually heartwarming. This is mainly because the establishment of universities is one of the most complicated operations. His excellency praised the project and all those who have been responsible for its implementation.

It is worth mentioning that digital credence is usually associated with the signature of electronic documents like contracts, conventions, sale and purchase decrees, personal correspondences, etc. which is done after an immediate check of the identity of the person that signed the document and that provides enough security for all government interactions across the Kingdom. The implementation of efficient security policy and modern and up-to-date processing, identity check, digital signature, data encryption, problem solving, management of modifications in data forms or contents, are all requirements of this operation. Thanks to its willingness to profit from the services of the National Centre for Digital Credence and the actual implementation of the project, Majmaah University is now ranking number one among emerging institutions and number two nationwide among universities that have been granted accreditation from the aforementioned center.       

Last modified
Thursday, 26/November/2015