Majmaah University President Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin has received the second strategic plan of the College of Business Administration for the academic year 1440 Ah. in his office in the presence of Vice-president for Academic Affairs Dr. Ahmad Aromaih. Dr. Saad Al-Filih- Dean of the College of Business Administration- accompanied by vice-deans and heads of departments handed the president the second strategic plan of the college for the academic year 1440 Ah. Dr. Filih pointed up the plan’s stages of preparation and the form that is in line with the University strategy, stating meanwhile that such plan was accomplished by the great efforts of the faculty members as a result of a few workshops held in this regard. Dr. Muqrin has reviewed the plan and its contents and then thanked the dean of the College and those who made the plan possible, appreciating their efforts in the development of the College and the University in general. At the end of the meeting, the visiting delegation expressed their sincere appreciation to the University president for his ongoing support and dedication to the development of the College, stressing that Dr. Muqrin’s commitment originates from the real determination for the excellence of the university.

Last modified
Monday, 21/March/2016