In response to the instructions of Majmaah University Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin aimed at the student participation in and representation of the University in international and local events, the Student Affairs Deanship took part in the 27th student visit to the universities of the GCC countries at the directives of Dr. Ahmad Aromaih- Vice-rector for Academic Affairs. The event was held in Taiba University in Medina.

Mr. Fahad Al-Muteri- Supervisor of the Student Activity Center at the Deanship- headed the visiting delegation.

The visit involved the inauguration of the GCC Forum, visit of the Dormitory and the Exhibition of the 2 Holy Mosques in addition to a tour in Kaaki Museum.

Mr. Muteri pointed out that the participation enhanced communications among the university students of the GCC countries.  He thanked the Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Hamad Qamizi for his close follow up to the student activities, which leads to their excellence in Saudi Arabia and the GCC universities.

Last modified
Tuesday, 22/March/2016