Based on the directions of the University Rector Dr. Khalid Saad Al-muqrin, Almajmaah University, represented by the Dean of Students' Affairs, participated in the Second International Debating Championship during  the period 21-24/4/2004 in Qatar. This participation is the first one for the university in this championship where only two universities are selected to represent each country that participates in this championship.

The Dean of Students Affairs Dr. Hamad Abdullah Alghemeizi  clarified that such participations open up new prospects for scientific and cultural cooperation between the Arab countries for the advancement of the scientific process and exchange of cultures.

During this championship, students debate and discuss a particular topic, and they try to convince the arbitrators with their views and positions by applying these techniques: create arguments and demonstrations, freely express themselves and be armed with cleverness and wit. From this point, the importance of such debates sprang out that helps to educate young people and provide them with a wealth of subjects that enrich their knowledge and improve their debate skills.

His Excellency Dean of Students Affairs  noted that this participation comes within the interests of Deanship to represent the university in local and international events. He also indicated that debates come in the forefront of extra-curricular activities that develop students' mental abilities and their academic and life skills such as leadership, management, handling dialogues and proper assessment of things. Also, these dabates help improve the skills of development, dialogue, critical thinking and communication with others from different cultures, civilizations and religions that enable students to coexist well with others.

Dr. Alghemeizi offered thanks to the University Rector Dr. Khaled Saad Al-muqrin for his continuous support and interest, and sponsorship for the activities and programs of Deanship of Students Affairs.



Last modified
Tuesday, 18/December/2012