The Department of services at Majmaah University has successfully completed the Transport Project of female students from their houses in towns and villages to the colleges of the University in the academic year 1436-1437 Ah.

 On this occasion, Vice-rector Dr. Mosllam Al Dosari expressed his appreciation to Majmaah University rector, Dr. Khaled Al-Muqrin, for his unlimited support of all sectors of the University as well as this Transport project, which contributed to its success.

The project includes the transport of all female students in addition to male ones with special needs back and forth from their houses (located within the University serviced area) to the colleges. Around 7000 female students are bussed daily to the University colleges, centers, activity locations and other destinations. Public Transportation routes to 4 provinces, 77 towns and villages as well as 55 districts inside the provinces to various university colleges have been outlined. The vice president also pointed to the University electronic transport system, which has received commends from the Ministers of both Education and Information Technology. Reference has been made as well to the services regulating the procedures of the stages of the transport system along with other various services on the university portal and smart devices. Added to that is the icon that is designed for the follow-up of weather conditions, which has contributed a lot to the reduction of risk and support of students’ safety during extreme weather conditions, given the considerable distances from their houses to the colleges. 


Last modified
Wednesday, 08/June/2016