The Astronomical Observatory in Hawtet Sedeir- representing Majmaah University-is preparing for observing the crescent of the month of Ramadan in 1437 Ah. In the past few days, the observed site was equipped with special observatory devices. This service is one of the most important goals offered by the university to its community among several other objectives.

On his part, Dr. Abdullah Al-Khudairi- Director of the Astronomical Observatory- said “Based on the call by the High Court to all Muslims across the Kingdom to observe the new moon of Ramadan on Sunday evening, 29 Shaaban 1437 Ah, corresponding to June 5, 2016, the University Astronomical Observatory in Hawtet Sedeir will take part in the Official Committee including members from: King Abdul-Aziz city for Science and Technology, the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Court, the Court of Hawtet Sedeir, the Emirate Center of Hawtet Sedeir along with a few collaborators with the Astronomical Observatory in sighting the crescent of the month of Ramadan this year.” The observatory issued a bulletin explaining the conditions of the new moon of Ramadan this year, as by the calculations of Longitude and latitude of Hawtet Sedeir city on Sunday, 29 of Shaaban 1437 Ah, corresponding to June 5 for the year 2016, there will be a central pairing at 6:44 am and a surface pairing at 4:37 am. The sun shines at 5:06 am, and the moon at 5:22 am. The moon will cross the Meridian of Hawtet Sedeir city at 12:13 approximately. The sun sets at 6:46 and then after 19 minutes and almost 7 seconds, the crescent sets as well at 7:05. The crescent then will be 14.4 hours and 0.17 thick with 0.01 angular deviation from the sun (elongation) by almost 9 degrees and at an altitude above the horizon of Hawtet Sedeir city of approximately 3.6 degrees. The difference between the azimuthal deviation of the sun and the moon from the north will be around 5.5 degrees from the horizon of Hawtet Sedeir. Mercury will appear at the top left of the moon on the horizon. Mr. Khudairi added that there would be improvement in the clarity of weather on Friday that will continue to Sunday, where there will be less northeastern wind. The temperature will stand at 41 degrees high and 27 degrees low according to what I know at the beginning of the Pleiades and Gemini, which is characterized in the same two bodies. Therefore, there will be 100% improvement in the weather.


Last modified
Wednesday, 08/June/2016