On Sunday morning, the Department of Public Relations and University Media held a celebration of Eid Al-Fiter for Majmaah University staff under the auspices of the Rector, Dr. Khalid Al Muqrin. Several notables attended the event including vice-rectors, college deans, faculty members and staff. The celebration revealed a great deal of contentment and appreciation on such a wonderful occasion


This is the 7th Eid since the establishment of the University, which has realized many accomplishments in various aspects and at all levels.


Mr. Mohammed Al Ghanayem gave a speech on behalf of the university staff. He first expressed gratitude to the Almighty for having fasted and prayed during the blessed month of Ramadan.


Happy blessed Eid to all of you in here,” he started. “Thanks to Allah, the Almighty, and the efforts of Dr. Muqrin, the chancellor, the university has become a source of pride and delight for the staff, marking a milestone in their lives and shaping their loyalties to such a wonderful institution,” he continued.


Mr. Ghanaym said that the celebration of this event teaches self- accountability, determination, willingness to development and respect for oneself and others. He then stated that “it’s the duty of each one of us to contribute to the development of this beloved nation by improving our university, making it an ideal working environment based on the underlying Islamic principles and high values.”


Subsequently, Mr. Abdullah Al Qashamy delivered another speech on behalf of the faculty members.  He started off, “Blessed Eid for Dr. Muqrin and everyone here.” He then supplicated “May Allah, the Almighty, accept our fasting and praying during the blessed month of Ramadan.”  “I also pray that our country be blessed with safety and security.”  


Mr. Qashamy’s then pointed out that “This is the 7th celebration of Eid Al-Fiter since the establishment of the University in 1430, and we can all witness several achievements made in such short period due to the unlimited support of our wise leadership at all levels.” 


Following Mr. Qashamy’s speech, Dr. Muqrin- Majmaah University Chancellor- spoke. He first congratulated all the attendees on Eid Al-Fiter, “May Allah, the Almighty, accept our good deeds in Ramadan and after it.”  Then he stressed the need for more efforts and determination in order to make even more progress at the University. “Our work is a mirror of our core principles of hard work and high values of professional development that aim for providing top services and showing the best picture of that magnificent institution,” he pointed up.


Several features mark a perfect working environment including sincerity, good communication, being nice to and patient with people and warning lazy workers of the consequences of their inactivity,” he explained.


Finally, he expressed his appreciation to the audience for attending the celebration.


Afterward, the attendees exchanged congratulations and talked about the achievements of the university, appreciating the concerted efforts of stakeholders and thanking the Almighty for the blessings he bestowed on the country


They also expressed gratitude to the Department of Public Relations for organizing the ceremony



Last modified
Friday, 15/July/2016