A memo of understanding was signed on Sunday 26/10/1437 between MU and the General Authority of Metrology and Environmental Protection (PME). The primary aim of this cooperation, which was signed in the presence of MU Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Mugren, Director of (PME), Eng. Abdul Aziz Al-Dughaither,  is to arrange with the PME about weather early warning system. This step is in compliance with MU vision to enhance the quality of metrology and environmental protection at the university as well as serving the society.   

A ceremony was held on this event which commenced with a speech for MU Vice-Rector, Dr. Musallam Al-Dosari where he expressed his gratitude with this agreement for its significance in warning students during severe weather which will save the life of many students, particularly who live in remote areas. On the progress resulted from this agreement, Dr. Al-Dosari stressed the dire need of this cooperation with PME as the university has several campuses located in distanced locations.

Addressing the audience, MU Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Mugren appreciated this agreement with PME which consider it to be of immense value for the safety of students. This cooperation is likely to minimize the risk that may occur during the process of transferring students, added Dr. Al-Mugren.  

Last modified
Monday, 08/August/2016