Sponsored by the Rector and in the presence of the university guests- Assistant Deputy Minister of Education for teacher Affairs and General Supervisor of the General Directorate of school Security and safety at the Ministry of Education, Dr. Majid Al-Harbi and Mr. Abdul Aziz Al-Deghetir- Director of the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection in Riyadh as well as many scholars interested in meteorology and environmental protection.


The rector opened the workshop aimed at coordinating efforts to benefit from the services of the unit assigned for the observation of weather conditions for safety of Students.


The workshop began with a screening showing the services of the Weather Conditions Observation Unit and its role in following up the weather conditions and suspension of classes.


Dr. Majid Al-Harbi- Assistant Deputy Minister of Education for teacher Affairs and General Supervisor of the General Directorate of school Security and safety at the Ministry of Education- delivered a speech in which he conveyed the greetings of the Minister of Education and his hopes that the workshop achieves its purpose.


Dr. Harbi then spoke about the importance of security and safety in the educational facilities as one of the factors of improving the quality of education. “Studies suggest that the presence of educational institutions near unsafe or industrial places may affect the quality of education at such particular establishments,” he added.


The culture of safety is of a paramount concern. Dr. Harbi declared that “Institutions involved in building a new social culture towards any behavior can be influenced by the level of our culture about the security and safety.”


Finally, he concluded by offering thanks to the University of Majmaah for highlighting that important aspect in education.


Subsequently, Mr. Abdul-Aziz Al-Deghethir- Director of the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection in Riyadh- pointed out the role of the Authority in monitoring weather conditions and issuing forecasts for the safety of lives and protection of property using advanced  technology and fully integrated systems in accordance with international standards in the field of meteorology.


We should take advantage of the natural resources in our country and rationalize consumption through the development of environmental control measures and balanced growth, defining essential natural resources in the kingdom,” Dr. Deghethir said.


Also, we should renew the means and procedures necessary for protecting those resources, identify  and analyze the environmental effects on all of our activities,” he added.


Moreover, Dr. Deghethir explained that the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection has been playing a vital role in spreading awareness of Meteorology and Environmental Protection among all Saudi citizens in addition to the reflection of the national view concerning the international issues of environment. That is also added to its role in other services regarding weather conditions.


Then the University Rector Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin gave a speech welcoming the guests of the university and the expressing delight in the partnership with the competent authorities in terms of the integration that benefits each party.


Dr. Muqrin said that “This workshop is one of the benefits of this successful partnership thanks to the unlimited support of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the Crown Prince and the deputy-crown prince for the University since its establishment.”


I am happy with the work of such important unit with regard to student safety at the University.” he continued.


Then he added that the university has been working with all the competent authorities of the Civil Defense and that of the Meteorology and Environmental Protection along with the volunteers who contribute their knowledge to support the university in achieving security and safety of its students.


This unit operates continuously in accordance with the mechanisms and methodology of integrated systems in order to safeguard student safety on campus,” he elaborated.


Dr. Muqran has also pointed out that the Unit had been working on a 24-hour basis aiming to track extreme weather conditions and take the necessary decisions to ensure the safety of students at the University in all its faculties and different branches in conjunction with the warnings issued by the Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection and the General Directorate of Civil Defense.


With regard to the digital integration with the Authority, the Unit has provided automatic equipment and devices in the colleges complementing the E-Systems of the university concerning reporting of bad weather conditions by students.


The workshop program included 3 aspects:


•      The first was provided by Dr. Harbi- Director of the General Authority for Meteorology and Environmental Protection in Riyadh -, and it addressed the role of security and safety at schools.

•      The second was concerned with the duties of the Unit in charge of following the weather conditions on campus, and it was presented by the vice-rector, Dr. Mosallam Al-Dousari.

•      Mr. Mamdouh Esimi- a Meteorologist- discussed the third aspect regarding the Organization of the General Authority for Meteorology and Environmental Protection concerning alerts of climatic effects.


Finally, there was an open discussion of the participants followed by their recommendations


Last modified
Sunday, 09/October/2016