Out of its mission to strengthen the sense of belonging to the country on the part of the students, faculty and staff members as well as Saudi citizens in general, the Unit of Public Relations and University Media at Majmaah University produced a documentary film entitled “Country Heroes”.


The film contributes to the ongoing efforts of the University in its appreciation for the sacrifice of the military and police personnel in their defense of the country against lurking enemies and establishing peace and security in the country. The film coincided with the celebration of the 86th anniversary of the National Day of the country.


Ever since the establishment of the Kingdom by the late King Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, the country has prospered, its stricken poverty turned into affluence and welfare of its citizens. The unification of the country has also brought about peace and security following disarray and infighting.


The idea of the documentary, which gained increasing popularity, came from Mr. Nasser Al-Yusuf- Director of the Unit- and Mr. Faisal Al-Etibi. It was also shown on local media and YouTube on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L08N8YKbSTk


Last modified
Saturday, 15/October/2016