On the sidelines of the workshop regarding benefitting from the Unit charged with following up whether conditions, Assistant Deputy Minister of Education for teacher Affairs and General Supervisor of the General Directorate of school Security and safety at the Ministry of Education, Dr. Majid Al-Harbi visited the Unit accompanied by Dr. Muhammad Al-Qahtani- Supervisor of School General Safety and Security at the Ministry of Education.


Dr. Faisal Al-Muteri- General Supervisor of the rector’s office- and Mr. Metieb Al-Maimouni- Director of the Service Department received the visitor.


Dr. Faisal Al-Meteri reviewed the facilities, the work of the unit, and stages of analysis of weather phenomena, the integrative role between the Unit and the relevant departments concerned with Weather conditions.


Dr. Faisal praised the Unit and its exerted efforts in meeting the standards of safety on campus. He also appreciated the efforts of the University rector Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin and his deputy Dr. Mosallam Al-Dousari in their support and follow up of the latest technology in the field of safety at the University.


Dr. Dousari thanked Dr. Harbi for the visit to the Unit and his participation in the activities of the Follow up Workshop.


The Vice-rector was keen on activating the principles of partnership among the related sectors in order to reach the objectives of student safety on campus.


He also commended the efforts and achievements of the workshop referring to its original experiment that can be used as a model for other sectors of education.

Last modified
Saturday, 15/October/2016