Majmaah University Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin met the new students of the University at the Campus Theater on 11/01/1438.


The meeting- attended by the Vice-rectors, deans, vice-deans, directors of departments as well as the fresh students of the University- was broadcasted to the Female Sections in all colleges as well.


The gathering started with verses from the Holy Koran recited by Muhammad Al-Enezi, then Dr. Hamad Qamizi-Dean of the Student Affairs Deanship- delivered a speech in which he welcomed the rector of the university, his deputies, deans of the colleges and supporting deanships as well as students.


Afterwards, he explained that his Deanship is interested in achieving the goals of the activities and services whether inside or outside the University, with a commitment to the vision and mission of the University per the Rector’s instructions and follow-up.


The University puts its strategic plan according to the goals and expectations, and that is where our activities come,” Dr. Qamizi added.


Then Dr. Muqrin gave a speech in which he started by thanking the Almighty for the blessings bestowed upon this country


Dr. Muqrin thanked the leaders of the country – King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz, the Crown-prince,  Prince Muhammad bin Nayef and the Deputy-crown prince, Prince Muhammad bin Salman for their patronage and support of education throughout the kingdom in general and Majmaah University in particular, which led to accomplishments in all fields.


The Rector referred to the achievements of the University since its establishment, and attributed such success to the efforts of the personnel as well as students.


Then he gave some pieces of advice to students in which he stressed the upholding of Islamic principles and values.


We here at the University care much about morality, ethics in addition to science and academia. We are interested in making a good citizen who is able to serve his country and defend it at times of need. We are also committed to high moral values and examples of good Muslims, and we try our best to produce a good generation of Muslims who serve their religion and their communities,” Dr. Muqrin added.


The Rector has also encouraged students to work hard and study well to achieve their potentials, and –on a more personal aspect- to obey their parents and select their friends wisely especially these days.


He also said that the university has completed the academic accreditation, pending the opinion of the jury and hoping to be one of the few accredited universities.


Afterwards, there were a reference to the completion of the new buildings in al-Hota, Ghaat and Rumah within a few weeks in addition to the approval of the university hospital and handing it over to one of the largest engineering companies in the Kingdom.


The end of the meeting is by no means the end of communication at the University. We are all here for you, and my office is always open to students at any time. I am ready to provide any necessary help to whoever needs it. That is our motto here at the University,” the Rector stated.


The University officials in all positions open their doors for students who are having problems at the University.” he continued.  “They will listen to your complaints and consider any notes you bring to their offices with full intention to resolve issues because that is their role and one of their responsibilities as well as mine,” the Rector concluded.


Student queries were answered at the end of the Rector’s speech.


Later, Dr. Qamizi thanked the Rector for his caring and support of students in addition to his interest in their academic excellence. Then he declared that the Deanship of Student Affairs is committed to the service and activities strengthening Islamic values and national loyalty.


Dr. Qamizi has also pointed out that the assembly has received continuous follow-up from the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ahmad Aromaih, and he also confirmed that the session would be published throughout the university by the relevant departments.


Last modified
Saturday, 15/October/2016