Accepting an invitation from the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection in Riyadh, Majmaah University Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin, Vice-rector, Dr. Mosallam Al-Dousari, Director of King Salman Institute for Consultative Studies, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Omran and Director of the Services Department at the University, Mr. Meteb Al-Maimoni visited the Meteorology Station at King Khalid International Airport on Thursday, 19/01/1438.

Director of the Meteorology Authority in Riyadh, Mr. Abdul-Aziz Al-Deghethir and King Khalid Airport Station Manager, Mr. Shar Al-Shahri along with the department managers received the visitors.

The director of the Authority started with a speech where he welcomed the guests and thanked them for accepting the invitation, then he expressed his admiration of Majmaah University achievements represented by the establishment of the Unit responsible for following up weather conditions and its past workshop that focused on coordination of efforts to follow up weather conditions in Majmaah and its affiliated regions for the benefit of its students.

Following the director’s word, the Station Manager -Mr. Shahri- gave a presentation about the role of the station with regard to monitoring weather conditions in coordination with the Meteorology Headquarter in Jeddah.

Afterwards, the visitors took a look at the departments of the Station, the towers, the Observatory Station in addition to the mechanism for observation.

Dr. Muqrin expressed his appreciation of the role of the Authority in its observation of weather conditions as well as the University’s interest in this regard.

“I really admire the great role the Authority plays in terms of monitoring weather conditions throughout the kingdom,” Dr. Muqrin said. “Their work contributes to the safety of our students and the collaboration of the University with the all concerned parties, so the decision to suspend studies comes well-coordinated and useful at the same time,” he concluded.

Last modified
Saturday, 29/October/2016