In collaboration with the Department of Educational Sciences and in accordance with the students Activity Plan, the Dean of the College of Education opened on Sunday 11/01/1434 the Training Week program which aims at developing the students' abilities and raise their motivation. The program was held at the theater of  Ezzolfi Colleges Complex. The training courses were as follows:

1- Right and wrong studying habits: Dr. Nizar Zobi and Mr. Abdallah Elhamida

2- Developing thinking skills: Dr. Ahmed Abou Dhouib and Dr. Mohamed ElHamran

1-            3-Raising students' motivation: Dr. Nizar Zobi

The inauguration and the events were attended by Dr. Rashid, Vice Dean for Quality and studies, Dr.Abdullah Al Harbi, head of Educational Sciences, together with a    number of faculty members at the College.

The Dean gave a brief speech in front of his dear    students urging them to attend such training courses that should improve the student’s competency and further develop his character. The Dean expressed his pleasure with this initiative by the Department of Educational Sciences, which shows a commitment to realize department’s mission. He also reiterated the importance to repeat such training courses. 

It is worth mentioning here that the organization attendance was great and interactive and yielded an opportunity for educational discussions with students    and professors.


Last modified
Sunday, 27/January/2013