Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi held the concluding celebration of student activities on Sunday 25/6/1434 corresponding with 5/5/2013 under the patronage of his Excellency university vice president for educational affairs Prof. Dr. Mohammad Othman Alrokban, and in the presence of the mayor of Alzulfi Mr. Fayhan Abdulaziz Labdah, his Excellency Faculty Dean Dr. Mohammad Saleh Aloboudi, faculties vice Deans, a number of teaching staff, clerks and students. The celebration started with some verses from the Noble Qura'an. Then, a presentation was given on the most important achievements in different fields for the academic year 1433/1434. After that, his Excellency Faculty Dean Dr. Mohammad saleh Aloboudi delivered a speech on this occasion starting with praising Allah; then offering thanks to his Excellency University Rector Dr. Khaled Sa'ad Almuqrin and his Excellency Dr. Mohammad Othman Alrukban, the celebration sponsor, for what they provide the students with in order to prepare an educational environment that helps students succeed and be distinguished. This can be clearly seen in the unlimited support provided by University administration at all levels and in all fields. After that, a film entitled "The Trail of Darkness" was presented. The film was acted by the Faculty students with participation from Anti-Drug Unit in Alzulfi. The celebration was concluded with a speech by his Excellency university vice President Dr. Mohammad Alrukban. He expressed his happiness with what he saw of achievements and success that the university colleges have accomplished. His Excellency handed over the souvenirs and appreciation certificates to all distinguished members of the Faculty. In the end, a souvenir was given to his Excellency university vice President on this occasion.


Last modified
Wednesday, 15/May/2013