The follow-up department has started working on new project called “e-present” aimed at checking and monitoring as well as deduction. The program gained the admiration of officials inside and outside the university.

The director of monitoring and checking at Mjamah region mentioned that his program could be of great value to many institutions owing to several features that this program incorporates in dealing with employees’ signing in and out via using a  very accurate database. The program is deemed innovative as it was programed and developed by Saudi cadres from the deanship of IT at Majmaah university. This program is of paramount significance due to the increasing number of units and administrations attached to the university in various regions as well as the increasing number of staff four times. The program will also replace all manual and time-consuming procedures which may include errors.  This program also enables the possibility of checking the commitment and efficiency of staff.    


Last modified
Tuesday, 11/June/2013