University Deputy specifies Tuesday of each week to receive all reviewers who suffers from skin health problems

     It was a proceeding from the goals of the university in the service of society, the principle of cooperation with everyone and to benefit from the high expertise of medical personnel at the Majmaah University. Based on the university principle to activate the role of community partnership of all kinds in general and providing health services in particular for all members of society, in particular. In the light of that, it was specifying Tuesday of each week as a fixed date for His Excellency, Deputy, Dr. Ibrahimbin Abdul Rahman Hugail dermatologist consultant to receive all reviewers who suffer from health problems in skin in the medical clinic in the University and benefit His Excellency, University Deputy’s expertise in Health. He began to work in the clinic and reception of reviewers in the medical clinic last Tuesday. As stated by His Excellency Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdul Rahman Hugail, that this is a humanitarian service represented by the university medical services for the development and dissemination of health education, He urged university medical staff to cooperate in the hard work in all what benefits community in science and health.

أخر تعديل
الجمعة, 25/نوفمبر/2011