A workshop with title: Electronic board maintenance with the help of Board Master 8000 Plus

A representative of White Bird, a specialized company in electronic applications and equipment’s, gave a workshop and a tutorial demo about different printed circuit boards (PCB’s) and its maintenance to the Electrical Engineering students and faculty members on Wednesday
14-1-1433, in a response to an invitation from the Electrical Engineering Department at Majmaah University. The training session included a demo of analyzing and testing different electronic circuits (IC Chips) and (Diodes) using an Analogue IC tester and a Board fault
locator that are parts of a comprehensive Board master system 8000 Plus. The workshop aimed at instructing the students about the methodology of finding faults in different circuits and fixing them, with a hint about the significant benefit and advantage that could be gained from utilizing these recent technologies. All attendees from both the student and faculty side acknowledged the learning outcome from attending the session and requested more similar sessions for all
faculty members and students.


أخر تعديل
السبت, 05/يناير/2013