The Deputyship of Quality and Development at College of Science in Zulfi has organized the Distinction Meeting in Learning and Teaching. The event which was under the patronage of the Dean Dr. Mohammad S. Al-Oboodi and the supervision of Dr. Suleiman Al-Saqabi, Deputy-Dean for Quality, was coordinated by Mr. Mohammad Mahjoo from Math Dept.

The Dean Dr. Al-Oboodi delivered a speech where he welcomed the audience and noted the importance of such meetings and workshops. He also called upon all to make use of the available facilities to enhance the quality of education.

Dr. Al-Saqabi gave a speech where he explained the topics of the meeting and its importance in advancing the academic progress. He also stressed the significance of conducting such events to make the college always the best.

The meeting programs began by a paper titled “Excellent Faculty members Characteristics” which was presented by Dr. Adel Zaki.  Another paper was presented by Dr. Mohammad Abo Shaib titled “Teaching at the 21st Century” which included the characteristics of education at the 21st century as well as the ways and means of making use of technology to enhance the communication between instructors and students.

The first part of the meeting was concluded by a paper titled “ Effective Ways of Evaluating Students to Assess the Education Outcomes” presented by Dr. Mustafa Tantawi where he shed a light on the most recent methods of evaluating students in which he linked that with education goals. He presented developed models of such methods.

The second part of the meeting began by a paper for Dr. Marwan Abdulateef titled “Active Learning” where he drew a comparison between the traditional methods of teaching and active learning patterns.

The last paper was presented by Dr Omar Mahjoob tilted “ Self-learning Strategies” where he provided models of self-learning such as brain storming as well as the collaborative learning such discussion.

The event was concluded by awarding presenters and recommendations were submitted to the dean to be reviewed by the University council. 

Last modified
Sunday, 01/December/2013